Talk Preferred
Northern Valley Long Distance
1. Message Telecommunications Service
1.3 Optional Calling Plans (Cont’d)
1.3.6 Total Talk Preferred
(A) Description
“Total Talk Preferred” applies to 1+ direct dialed Interstate and Intrastate calls originating from customers who subscribe to this plan and are PIC’ed to NVC Long Distance, and terminating within the 50 United States, and to 8XX type toll free calls which service is provided by NVC. On such eligible calls, customers will receive Total Talk Preferred rates. (Operator Services, 5XX, 7XX, 9XX, Travel Card and Directory Assistance Service calls are not eligible for Total Talk Preferred rates.)
(B) Terms and Conditions
(1) “Total Talk Preferred” rates apply to all 1+ direct dialed Interstate and Intrastate calls originating from customers who subscribe to this plan and are PIC’ed to NVC Long Distance, and terminating within the 50 United States, and to 8XX type toll free calls which service is provided by NVC. (These Total Talk Preferred rates are applied as set forth in Section 1.3.6(C) following.)
(2) “Total Talk Preferred” and its rates do not apply to any calls eligible for rates set forth in other Optional Calling Plans offered in this Tariff. No additional discounts are available to subscribers to this plan.
(3) This calling plan will be available to all classes and grades of customer service within the restrictions and the limitations as set forth in Section 1.3.6(B)(4) and (5) following and other provisions of this Price List.
(4) A customer will be eligible for the “Total Talk Preferred” plan if the customer has exhibited, through historical billing records, consistent usage of 10,000 minutes or greater per billing for three consecutive billing periods.
(5) A customer will become ineligible for the “Total Talk Preferred” plan if the monthly usage falls below 10,000 minutes per billing period for six consecutive billing periods.
(6) Participants in “Total Talk Preferred” are not eligible to participate in any other NVC Optional Calling Plan offered in this Tariff.
1. Message Telecommunications Service
1.3 Optional Calling Plans (Cont’d)
1.3.6 Total Talk Preferred (Cont’d)
(B) Terms and Conditions (Cont’d)
(7) The customer must be PIC’ed (must choose NVC Long Distance) as its Preferred Interexchange Carrier choice [PIC]) for both Interlata and Intralata jurisdictions.
(8) Billing Arrangements
(a) Where the customer has one account, which includes multiple lines, the rate is applied to total usage on combined lines for both 1+ direct dialed and 8XX toll free calls.
(b) Where the customer has an account billed to another account in the same tax jurisdiction, it will be treated as one account and the discount will be applied on the combined usage of said accounts.
(c) Where the customer has more than one account billed together in different tax jurisdictions, the discount will be applied to each account separately.
(d) Direct dialed International calls are excluded from this calling plan.
(e) The plan may be activated at any time during the billing period. “Total Talk Preferred” rates are applicable on a go forward basis from the day of activation.
(f) Minimum timing per intrastate message is 18 seconds. Timing of additional intrastate minutes and fractions thereof will be rounded to the next 1/10 of a minute (6 seconds) increment for each message. Charges are rounded up to the next whole cent on each intrastate call.
(9) Termination of Plans
Upon written notice to the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission, Northern Valley Communications, LLC. may terminate this “Total Talk Preferred” Optional Call Plan and withdraw the rates set forth below.
1. Message Telecommunications Service
1.3 Optional Calling Plans (Cont’d)
1.3.6 Total Talk Preferred (Cont’d)
(C) Rates and Charges
(1) Service Order charges are not applicable to this plan.
(2) “Total Talk Preferred” rates are applicable regardless of distance, time of day, day of week and/or holidays, for all eligible Interstate calls.
(3) The rates below apply to all Interstate calls included in “Total Talk Preferred” and are in addition to the charges applicable to the class and type of local exchange service to which the customer subscribes.
Cents Per Minute
(a) 1+ Direct Dialed…………………………………….. .070
(b) NVC 800 Service……………………………………. .085
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