Basic Message
Northern Valley Long Distance
Basic Interstate Message Telecommunications Service
1. Message Telecommunications Service
1.1 General
1.1.1 Application
This Message Telecommunications Service Price List applies to Interstate service furnished by Northern Valley Communications, LLC, hereinafter referred to as NVC, for provision of Interstate Message Telecommunications Service (MTS). Interstate service includes service to Area Code 809 (Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands).
1.1.2 Terms and Conditions
(A) Scope
(1) Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) consists of the furnishing of Interstate telecommunication transmissions between exchanges. MTS consists primarily of the transmission of voice communications, but may also involve data, facsimile, signaling, metering, or other similar communications, subject to the transmission capabilities of the service. MTS is available twenty-four hours a day, seven days per week, subject to availability of facilities.
(2) NVC does not undertake to transmit messages but furnishes the use of its facilities to customers for communications. NVC selects and/or arranges for the channels and/or service components used to provide MTS. Any suitable technology or combination of technologies may be used. NVC may modify or change the channels and service components used to furnish MTS at any time. Customer equipment may be used with MTS.
(3) Subject to compliance with regulatory authority, when a shortage of facilities exists either for temporary or protracted periods, MTS will be re-established before all other services. However, the duration of MTS calls may be limited when facility shortages are caused by emergency conditions.
1. Message Telecommunications Service
1.1 General (Cont’d)
1.1.2 Terms and Conditions (Cont’d)
(B) Liability
(1) In view of the fact that the customer has exclusive control of his communications over the facilities furnished him by NVC, and of the other uses for which facilities may be furnished him by NVC and because of unavoidableness of errors incident to the services and to the use of such facilities of NVC, the services and facilities furnished by NVC are subject to the terms, conditions and limitations herein specified in (2) and (3) following.
(2) NVC’s liability, if any, for its willful misconduct is not limited by this Price List. With respect to any other claim or suit, by a customer or by any others, for damages associated with any aspect of the provision of service (including the failure to reach a called station), NVC’s liability, if any, shall not exceed an amount equal to the initial period charge applicable for such a message to the called station. This liability shall be in addition to any billing adjustments that may otherwise be appropriate.
(3) The customer indemnifies and saves NVC harmless against claims for libel, slander, or infringement of copyright arising from the information transmitted over its facilities; against claims for infringement of patents arising from combining with, or using in connection with, facilities of NVC, apparatus and systems of the customer; and against all other claims arising out of any act or omission of the customer in connection with facilities provided by NVC.
(4) NVC shall not be liable for any act or omission of any other carrier participating in the service, or from which NVC obtains transmission facilities or termination service.
1. Message Telecommunications Service
1.1 General (Cont’d)
1.1.2 Terms and Conditions (Cont’d)
(C) Use
(1) Use of the Service
The service is provided for use by the customer and may also be used by others, when so authorized by the customer, providing that all such use shall be subject to the provisions of this Price List.
(2) Abuse and Fraudulent Use
The service is furnished subject to the conditions that there will be no abuse or fraudulent use of the service. Abuse or fraudulent use of service includes:
(a) The use of service or facilities of NVC to transmit a message or to locate a person or otherwise to give or obtain information, without payment of the charge applicable for services.
(b) The obtaining, or attempting to obtain, or assisting another to obtain or to attempt to obtain, MTS, by rearranging, tampering with, or making connection with any facilities of NVC or by any trick, scheme, false representation or false credit device or by or through any other fraudulent means or device whatsoever, with intent to avoid the payment, in whole or in part, of the regular charge for such service.
(c) The use of service or facilities of NVC for a call or calls, anonymous or otherwise, if in a manner reasonably to be expected to frighten, abuse, torment or harass another.
(d) The use of the service in such a manner as to interfere unreasonably with the use of the service by one or more other customers.
1. Message Telecommunications Service
1.1 General (Cont’d)
1.1.2 Terms and Conditions (Cont’d)
(C) Use (Cont’d)
(3) Unlawful Purposes
The service is furnished subject to the condition that it will not be used for an unlawful purpose. Service will not be furnished if any law enforcement agency, acting within its jurisdiction, advises that such service is being used or will be used in violation of law.
(4) Cancellation for Cause
For nonpayment of any sum due NVC, or for abuse or fraudulent use of the service, NVC may either suspend, terminate without suspension, or refuse service without incurring any liability.
(D) Obligation of the Customer
(1) The calling party shall establish his identity in the course of any communication as often as may be necessary.
(2) The calling party shall be solely responsible for establishing the identity of the person or persons with whom connection is made at the called station or stations.
1. Message Telecommunications Service
1.2 Standard Service Offerings
1.2.1 Two-Point Message Telecommunications Service
(A) Class of Calls
Various classes of MTS service are offered. Charges apply according to the class of call the calling station selects.
(1) Dial Station-to-Station – applies when the calling person dials the desired telephone number without the assistance of an operator and the call is billed to the calling number. This includes calls forwarded by call forwarding equipment. Dial Station-to-Station also applies when the operator:
(a) Reaches the called telephone number because of trouble on the network or because dial completion is not available.
(b) Places a call for a calling party who is identified as being handicapped and is unable to dial the call because of that handicap.
(c) Re-establishes a dialed call when there is a service fault that interrupts a call after the called person has been reached.
(2) Customer Dialed Calling Card Station-to-Station – applies when the calling person dials 0 plus the desired number and enters or has the operator enter an authorized Calling Card to which the call will be billed.
1. Message Telecommunications Service
1.2 Standard Service Offerings (Cont’d)
1.2.1 Two-Point Message Telecommunications Service (Cont’d)
(A) Class of Calls (Cont’d)
(3) Operator-Handled Station-to-Station – applies when calls are completed with the assistance of an operator or operator system (except in (1) and (2) above and (4) following). Operator-Handled Station-to-Station also applies when calls originate at a coin telephone (except in (2) above) and when a customer asks that a completed dial station-to-station call be billed to another telephone number.
(4) Operator-Handled Person-to-Person – applies when a calling station names the particular party to be reached by an operator. The party may be:
– A person
– A mobile station
– A station, department or office reached through a PBX attendant.
(a) Person-to-Person also applies when the calling party:
– Cannot speak to the intended person or station but agrees to speak to someone else.
– Requests an operator to make arrangements with a person to receive a call at a specified time.
(5) Busy Line Verification Service — is furnished to customers, upon request. This service is provided where facilities exist for busy line verification service through an Express operator. The provision of busy line verification service involves an operator determining the condition of a line or trunk that a customer requests to be checked. A service charge applies only if that operator detects conversation on the line or trunk. This service is provided at rates as set forth in 1.2.1(E)(4) following.
1. Message Telecommunications Service
1.2 Standard Service Offerings (Cont’d)
1.2.1 Two-Point Message Telecommunications Service (Cont’d)
(A) Class of Calls (Cont’d)
(6) The provision of Busy Line Interrupt involves an operator interrupting a line or trunk that a customer requests to be interrupted. Information concerning the busy line interrupt to this line or trunk is passed to the customer. A Busy Line Verification must be made, and its service charge incurred prior to a Busy Line Interruption. No request will be processed on a reversal of charges basis, i.e., collect call. No charge will apply if the line situation indicates a trouble condition. No charge applies when the request is identified as an emergency request by the customer and originates from or to an authorized emergency agency. This service is provided at rates as set forth in 1.2.1(E)(4) following.
1. Message Telecommunications Service
1.2 Standard Service Offerings (Cont’d)
1.2.1 Two-Point Message Telecommunications Service (Cont’d)
(B) Timing of Calls
(1) On Dial Station-to-Station, Customer Dialed Calling Card Station-to-Station and Operator-Handled Station-to-Station, the timing of a call begins when the calling and called stations are connected.
(2) On Person-to-Person calls, the timing of a call begins when the calling party is connected to a specified person, station or an agreed upon alternate.
(3) Chargeable time ends when the connection is terminated at any point.
(4) When exchange telephone service used for MTS is directly connected (i.e., not connected through a Multiline Terminating System) at a customer’s premises to a communications system, chargeable time for all classes of calls begins when a call from the telecommunications network terminates in or passes through the first Multiline Terminating System or terminal equipment on that communications system. It is the customer’s responsibility to furnish the appropriate answer supervision to the point of connection with the exchange telephone service so that chargeable time may begin.
(5) MTS service rates are quoted in terms of initial and additional minutes.
(a) The initial minute is the first minute or any fraction after connection is made.
(b) The additional minutes are measured by 1/10 of a minute (6 second) increments. Any fraction is rounded up to the nearest minute.
(6) The timing of a call does not include time lost because of service faults or defects that are reported to NVC.
1. Message Telecommunications Service
1.2 Standard Service Offerings (Cont’d)
1.2.1 Two-Point Message Telecommunications Service (Cont’d)
(C) Collection of Charges
Charges for all MTS calls are billed to the calling party, except:
(1) Charges for person-to-person and operator station-to-station calls may be billed to the called party if the telephone number is not restricted from receiving collect calls and the called party agrees to accept the charges. If the called number is to a public or semi-public station and the called party agrees to accept the charges, the charges must be billed to either a Calling Card or to a third party number. If neither of these methods of payment is acceptable, the called party must reoriginate the call. When the called station does not accept the charges and the calling party requests that the call be tried again later, on a collect basis, the classification of the call is changed to Person-to-Person.
(2) Charges may be billed to an authorized calling card.
(3) Charges may be billed to a third telephone number, except for coin phone numbers. The third number must be an authorized telephone number as determined by NVC.
(D) Payment Arrangements
The customer is responsible for payment for all charges for service furnished, and payment is due on receipt of the bill.
1. Message Telecommunications Service
1.2 Standard Service Offerings (Cont’d)
1.2.1 Two-Point Message Telecommunications Service (Cont’d)
(E) Rates
(1) The rate for MTS is a flat rate per minute and is not distance, time of day, or day of week sensitive. Holidays do not impact rates. The rate is $0.099 per minute of use.
(2) The rate structure provides for a minimum timing of 18 seconds per message. Any additional time that the connection continues beyond the initial period is billed in 1/10 of a minute (6 second) increments. Any fraction is rounded up to the nearest tenth of a minute.
1. Message Telecommunications Service
1.2 Standard Service Offerings (Cont’d)
1.2.1 Two-Point Message Telecommunications Service (Cont’d)
(E) Rates (Cont’d)
(3) Charges Paid for by Coin Deposits in Public or Semi-Public Coin Telephone.
The charges for a call paid for by coin deposit in a public or semi-public coin telephone is the sum rounded to the nearest multiple of $.05, of the appropriate initial period rate and additional period charges.
(4) Operator-Handled Calls
There is a service charge for calls classified as Customer-Dialed Calling Card Station-to-Station, Operator-Handled Station-to-Station or Operator-Handled Person-to-Person. This charge is in addition to the Initial and Additional Minute Rate set forth in (1) and (2) preceding. When a call is subject to more than one service charge, only the highest service charge applies. The charge applies as follows.
– Customer-Dialed Calling Card
Station-to-Station $ .80
– Operator-Handled
Station-to-Station 1.88
– Operator-Handled
Person-to-Person 3.50
– Busy Verification Service 2.00
– Busy Interrupt Service 2.00
1. Message Telecommunications Service
1.2 Standard Service Offerings (Cont’d)
1.2.1 Two-Point Message Telecommunications Service (Cont’d)
(F) Hearing or Speech Impairment Discount
Disabled persons who have been certified to NVC as having a hearing or speech impairment which necessitates that they communicate by a Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) – sometimes referred to as a teletypewriter or TTY device – will receive, upon written application to NVC, credit calls from certified premises where a TDD is located.
The credit given for these dial station-to-station calls will be 35% discount.
For a customer with more than one line or trunk, written application will be required for each line or trunk.
The billing period for this discount will be determined by the toll billing date. The customer will receive the discount at the beginning of the next toll billing period after application approval. The customer has the option of withdrawing at either the beginning or ending of the billing period.
1. Message Telecommunications Service
1.2 Standard Service Offerings (Cont’d)
1.2.1 Two-Point Message Telecommunications Service (Cont’d)
(G) Directory Assistance Charge
Applies to all calls made to Interstate Directory Assistance. Up to two requests for listings within the area code dialed may be made on each call to Directory Assistance. When more than one Directory Assistance bureau handles requests for listings within the same area code, two listings will be provided only when the listing information is accessible to the Directory Assistance Operator that handles the request. The Directory Assistance Charge applies whether or not the Directory Assistance bureau furnishes the requested telephone number(s) (e.g., where the requested telephone number is unlisted, non-published or no record can be found).
Operator Service Charges also apply to calls to Interstate Directory Assistance when these calls are completed with the assistance of a company operator or billed to a calling card.
Charges for Directory Assistance may be billed as station paid, paid, third number billed or billed to a calling card. Person-to-Person or Collect Calls for Directory Assistance are not permitted.
(1) Rate – Per Call
– To Interstate Directory Assistance or the International portion of the 809 NPA Directory Assistance. $0.85
(2) Handicapped Exemption
Those handicapped customers who qualify for exemptions from local Directory Assistance charges under Local Exchange Company tariff(s), or in the absence of a local Directory Assistance charge plan, receive special rates on other Local Exchange Company services, are exempted from the Directory Assistance Charge for interstate directory information. This exemption applies only to calls to Directory Assistance that are billed to the handicapped customer’s residence telephone number.
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